What is the NDIS Appeal Process?

If at any time you do not agree with the plan or the NDIA services, you can appeal this process.

The following are the steps within the Appeal Process:

  1. Make a complaint
  2. Request an Internal Review Submit a Review form detailing why the decision is incorrect
  3. Still not happy, then go to the AAT

For a deeper explanation, please find the detailed steps below.

Step 1: Internal Review

NDIA states …

When asking for a review, you should explain why you think the decision is incorrect.

This is usually conducted by a different staff member than the one who made the original decision.

They have a form that you can complete or use as a guide when submitting a request for review. Some questions such as:

  • What is your request for review about?
  • Why do you want the decision reviewed?
  • When was the decision made?
  • How has it affected you?
  • What outcomes are you seeking?

The more information the better, I would also encourage you to provide reference points and evidence to help your case.


How can I submit a request for an internal review?

  • Write to the CEO of NDIA, GPO Box 700, Canberra ACT 2601
  • talk to a staff member at an NDIA Office
  • Call 1800 800 110
  • Send an email to equiries@ndis.gov.au

Step 2: External Review

If you have gone through an internal review and you are still not happy with the outcome, then this is the next option you have.

This is conducted through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) as an independent review.

You can visit their website or call them on 1800 228 333 to discuss this further.

What decisions can I appeal?

  • Eligibility as a participant
  • Reasonable and necessary supports
  • Any NDIA decision determined, so anything really






Disclaimer: at the time of writing this information, all contents were true and correct based on personal lived experience. Please note that is a guide only and over time they may change their processes and some information contained in this article may become void and irrelevant. If in doubt, please go directly to the source, NDIS to seek clarity and clarification.