Why am I not getting better?

Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you just don’t feel like anything is changing or getting better.

Rest assured you are not alone. With an increase of 70% mental health due to Covid-19, many others are experiencing depression, or feeling down for example.

Are you seeing a therapist right now? Still not getting better?

Perhaps you are not seeing anyone right now.

Either way, you are in the right place!

There is light at the end of the dark narrow tunnel.

You are not alone.

Please keep reading to find out more support and guidance.


Below are some general questions we have heard and come across with our clients.


I have been going to therapy for ages and nothing has changed? I don’t feel any different.

If you have been seeing a therapist for a while and feel as if nothing has changed. You feel the same or similar to when you first started, then you may need to ask yourself these sorts of questions…

How long exactly have you been working with your therapist? Do you have realistic expectations on overcoming the problem? Does your therapist have realistic expectations? Have you asked your current therapist why you haven’t progressed?

Therapy can take time and everyone is different, and there are so many different therapies around.

A good therapist goes at the pace of the client and focuses on one presenting problem at a time. This of course, could lead on a journey of uncovering other problems or issues as they arise.

Having said that, for one general issue therapy should not take any more than about 6 sessions.

More complex problems can take longer as other issues may be contributing or an effect of the presenting problem.

For example, if you see someone for anxiety, we may uncover it is linked to smoking or a weight disorder, perhaps self-harm, even a trauma or something else buried deep within the subconscious that has been suppressed for a very long time.

Now, like any good therapist we would not push it aside – we have a duty of care to work through that presenting problem and work through it with you.

Remember, your therapist may be assisting with other presenting problems as they arise. This can prolong the main goal. They are trying to help you take care of your mental health at your pace.


I have tried everything and nothing has changed, if anything I am worse?

Sometimes other modalities have to be utilised to assist with dealing with triggers and thus creating change – permanent change.

At Effective Directions we use a variety of therapeutic practices such as Counselling, Psychotherapy & Life Coaching to explore the problem as it is for our clients currently.

Then to bring about change, we can use other modalities such as NLP and Hypnosis and deeper aspects of Life Coaching.

Our modalities list is ever growing, as we are constantly learning and evolving our resources to help support our clients.


Still no luck in overcoming your problems?

Perhaps you need to look at your therapist. Are they a good fit for you and can they help you work through your problems?

Have they explained their process and what treatment plan you are working on?

What are their credentials? Where did they study? For example, we have a Diploma in Counselling, Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Practitioner in Life Coaching.

Who are they professionally affiliated with? Who do they have professional memberships with? In Australia, there are so many professional governing bodies. For example, our therapists are with AHA, ACA, ASCH, ABNLP to name a few. All of which have a high level of requirements for membership. If they do not openly share this, you are within your rights to ask them directly to view their membership card/certificate.

What is their grievance procedure? You can find this in their terms and conditions or service agreement. If you don’t have a copy, ask them for a copy.

Who else might be able to help you? You are more than welcome to reach out to us and have a chat. Otherwise, you can contact their professional governing body ie ACA or AHA.


Does this sound like you?

Have you seen these questions before?

Do you think this is familiar?

Feel free to connect with us to see if we can help you in getting better right now!